Contact address

Nishi Japan AG
Schaffhauserstrasse 120
8057 Zurich, Switzerland

+41 44 363 11 63 

Technical implementation

wetalkwithyou AG
Wiesenstrasse 36
8952 Schlieren, Schweiz

Intellectual property and other rights

Nishi owns and operates this portal. All trademarks, names, titles, logos, images, designs, texts and other materials used on it belong to a legal entity of Nishi Japan AG or a contractual partner of the same. No rights (rights of use, intellectual property rights, etc.) are acquired by calling up, downloading or copying pages. Reproduction (in whole or in part), transmission (by electronic means or otherwise), modification or use of the portal for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written consent.


To the fullest extent permitted by law (including negligence), Nishi shall not be liable for the accuracy of the information on Nishi's website, nor for the content distributed on Nishi's website, nor for any damages arising therefrom. This applies to all types of damages, including but not limited to damages resulting from errors, delays or interruptions in transmission, in the event of malfunctions of technical equipment and service, inaccurate content, loss or deletion of data, viruses or in any other way during the use of this website.